Canyon Ranch Case Study


To easily help guests book services or activities without interrupting their immersive wellness experience


Launch Beta in June 2022 to improve ease of use to book services and increase customer satisfaction


Advise and oversee a team of 1 Delivery Director, 2 Product Strategists, 4 engineers (2 offshore), 1 designer

The Challenge

CR Home Screen

Canyon Ranch is one of the premier wellness resorts in the world. For over 40 years they have served their customers through immersive destinations across the US and as they prepare for the next 40 years they are undergoing significant efforts on Digital Transformation to expand their revenue and customer satisfaction. Today, activities and services are provided in a paper booklet to guests. To book anything guests must speak to a Wellness Guide, either in person or over the phone. This is a tedious process for guests and also causes Wellness Guides to spend most of their time as an order taker as opposed to doing high value work such as suggesting specific things that they may like. Canyon Ranch selected us to design and build a mobile application that would solve guest problems resulting in increased NPS score, increase ancillary spend on ranch and open up Wellness Guides to have more strategic conversations.

What we made

A native iOS application that allows guests to discover new activities and book services. Increasing revenue, ancillary spend and customer satisfaction. 


Product strategy,  interaction design, visual design, service blueprint design, user research, rapid experimentation, software engineering


Ruby on Rails, Native iOS, Segment Data Analytics, multiple third-party API integrations

"You have such an amazing and rigorous process for brainstorming, synthesis and gathering customer feedback. It really is amazing watching you work.” – Mike Fulkerson, Canyon Ranch CMO

Canyon Ranch Explore screen
Canyon Ranch conflicts
Canyon Ranch schedule screen