Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) Case Study: Patient Care Platform


Reimagine how cancer patients navigate their care by developing a comprehensive tech platform that connects patients with their care team 24/7, providing end-to-end support throughout the cancer journey.


The current healthcare system is fragmented and difficult for cancer patients to navigate, creating gaps in communication and care continuity. CTCA aimed to create a patient-centric platform that integrates various aspects of the oncology ecosystem, focusing on chat and symptom management for the MVP.


In collaboration with CTCA, we set out to validate assumptions and rapidly prototype a platform that provides patients with real-time connections to their care team. Over 10 weeks, we conducted user research and iterated on design solutions to ensure the platform met the emotional and practical needs of patients.

What I Did

  • Research & Discovery: Led 4 rounds of research, interviewing 9 former cancer patients, including a nurse and care coordinator, and collaborating with CTCA’s advising care coordinator. We uncovered key insights about patient needs for constant communication and understanding during their cancer journey.

  • Insight Development: One of the most important insights we gathered was that patients wanted to feel consistently informed and supported. One user emphasized, “It’s good to know that somebody else is watching and knowing what is going on.” This insight drove our focus on creating a platform that enabled constant connection and support.

  • Design & Iteration: Designed key screens for the MVP, including a Symptom Management Tracker to monitor how patients feel daily and alert care teams when intervention might be needed. Other features included a Goals Tracker to help patients recall their care journey, especially for those dealing with "chemo brain," and a Daily To-Do List to prepare patients for appointments and treatments. We also designed the Nurse Admin Interface to allow care teams to track patient progress and respond via chat or video.

  • Cross-functional Collaboration: Worked closely with engineers and product managers to develop a functional MVP using React and Figma. Our rapid prototyping approach allowed us to test and refine solutions quickly, ensuring alignment with both patient needs and technical feasibility.


We successfully launched the MVP with integrated chat functionality, linking patients to a live nurse admin system. This solution allowed CTCA to pilot the platform with partner cancer treatment clinics, and it also helped them secure additional funding from investors for their Series A.

Technologies Used

  • React: For frontend development, providing a responsive and engaging user interface.

  • Figma: For rapid prototyping and design, enabling quick iterations based on user feedback.

Looking Forward

The platform continues to evolve as it is piloted across partner clinics, with plans to expand its capabilities to provide even more robust support for patients throughout their cancer journey. This work has laid the foundation for transforming how cancer care is delivered.

Validating, and critically invalidating, our thesis could have only been done with a team deeply experienced in the prototyping process.
— Nick Aubin, Head of Product
Screenshot of patient goals CTCA