SAG-AFTRA Case Study: Streamlining the Benefits Experience for Members


Enhance the SAG AFTRA Health Plan and SAG Producers Pension online benefits portal, making it easier for members to navigate their health and pension information without needing extensive support.


The SAG AFTRA Health Plan and SAG Producers Pension teams faced a challenge: a significant portion of their resources were being used to help members understand how to use the online portal or manually provide information already available through the system. Members struggled with account creation, password resets, and finding key information, leading to high volumes of support requests and dissatisfaction.


Our task was clear—identify the breakpoints in the existing system, understand the concerns of members, and create a new benefits portal that would reduce confusion and minimize the need for support. We employed a rapid, user-centered approach, which included ideation, testing, and iterative design.

What I Did

Screenshot of SAG-AFTRA benefits dashboard
  • Discovery & Research: Led in-depth research to identify the most common pain points for users. This included interviews with members and SAG AFTRA support staff to better understand the disconnect between available resources and member experience.

  • User Insight Development: The research revealed several key issues: account creation was difficult, password reset processes were unclear, and navigation between pension and health care information was confusing. Users also struggled to quickly access their earnings information, which was a critical need.

  • Design & Prototyping: Designed a new benefits manager portal, focusing on simplifying account creation, clarifying the password reset process, and making health care eligibility and pension earnings easy to find. Key screens included a streamlined dashboard with an optimized Earnings View that allowed members to see both their health and pension earnings at a glance. Navigation was also overhauled to make the system more intuitive.

  • Iterative Testing: We tested the redesigned portal with real users, focusing on usability and clarity. Iterative feedback was gathered and used to refine the user experience, ensuring that all major pain points were addressed


The newly launched benefits portal addressed the core issues faced by members, dramatically reducing support requests related to account setup, password resets, and navigation. Members could now easily understand their health care eligibility, view their pension and health earnings, and navigate the portal with ease. This not only improved the user experience but also allowed the SAG AFTRA support team to focus on higher-value tasks.

Technologies Used

  • HTML, CSS: For frontend development, ensuring a responsive and accessible design.

  • Figma: For prototyping and visual design, allowing for rapid iteration based on user feedback.

Looking Forward

The new benefits portal has been met with positive feedback from members, and the SAG AFTRA team is exploring additional features to further enhance the user experience. This project represents a key step in modernizing how members interact with their health and pension benefits, with future updates focused on expanding self-service options.

Screenshot of SAG-AFTRA benefits earnings