To build trust with customers by putting data privacy in the user’s control


Production-ready prototype for AB testing


Advise and oversee 1 Delivery Director, 1 Product Strategist, and 1 designer


The Challenge

Data privacy is at the forefront of companies, regulators and users minds. Apple has doubled down on the importance of privacy and with iOS 14 began blocking third party data tracking. Europe and California have rolled out strict data regulations with more states and countries expected to follow. This represented a significant risk to WarnerMedia’s digital revenue as their ad targeting could decrease. WarnerMedia wanted to lean into this desire for privacy by delivering a user-centered approach to data privacy messaging and consent as opposed to legal and tech driven.  

Our goal was to figure out how we could increase trust and brand loyalty, increase users’ willingness to share and finally to deepen the relationship with WarnerMedia’s consumers.

Photo of Apple Privacy billboard

What we made

During the 12-week engagement, we ran 6 distinct experiments and interviewed 37 users as well as running 1 in-production test on CNN.com. We designed and tested 16 prototypes across 4 brands to test 28 hypotheses. We designed, iterated, and recommended a user-centered experience for CNN and WarnerMedia to communicate to customers about data and collect data that (1) increased trust and brand loyalty, (2) increased willingness to share, and (3) deepened the relationship with customers.


Discovery, User Research, Design & Prototyping


Google Suite for record keeping and presentations, Figma for prototypes and designs

Warner Media research findings

The Result

Warner Media research findings

We delivered insights, designs, and an experience recommendation fueled by research.  These were presented to WarnerMedia’s leadership. WarnerMedia’s data privacy team is currently working with all of their brands to implement these ideas and recommendations thoughtfully throughout their digital properties.

After Apple rolled out their new third party tracking pop-up with iOS 14, CNN’s digital properties that leveraged our recommendations performed significantly better than competitors and baseline apps.

"We really felt like you guys were really on OUR team. Most of all, you truly put in the effort to know us as people instead of just customers."

- Chris Herring, Warner Media Senior Director of Product Operations

Warner Media research quote